International Registration

National borders apply to legal systems, but not to business. Trademark protection abroad is therefore important too. Together with our clients Swissberg is developing a concept in order to protect your trademarks also outside of Switzerland according to our clients' specific needs.

Protecting your trademark abroad can be realized using one of the following three options:

- Filing directly in other countries
- Registering internationally under the Madrid System (WIPO)
- Filing regionally, in particular filing at the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (OHIM) which gives you protection in all EU Member States simultaneously.


Map of the Memeber States of the EU and other European Countries
List of the Country Codes according ISO 3166



Los Angeles 05:37
Chicago 07:37
New York 08:37
London 13:37
Zurich 14:37
Moscow 15:37
Dubai 16:37
New Delhi 18:07
Beijing 20:37
Tokyo 21:37
Sydney 22:37
Wellington 00:37