Searches / Brand Clearance

Each registered or already filed trademark is a potential risk for a new trademark - and every day there are more such trademarks. This is why it is getting always more difficult to find a new trademark.

The Swiss Institute of Intellectual Property does not check for earlier identical or similar trademarks (relative grounds of refusal) but only for registrability (absolute grounds of refusal). Accordingly the registration (and all the more the use) of a trademark without prior availability searches is high risk: Your trademark could be infringing on trademarks which are identical or phonetically or visually similar; and the owner of such a prior trademark could demand the cancellation of your mark and financial compensation.

Swissberg therefore strongly recommends prior availability searches for identical and similar distinctive signs, in particular registered trademarks. Together with our clients we develop a tailor-made search strategy (cost-benefit analysis) in order to minimize the risks of the launch of a new trademark (Brand Clearance).


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